IDSOL Gatherings

IDSOL manages events like conferences and competitions, which help people who study and work in data science and artificial intelligence to share ideas and work together.

IDSOL Competitions

An International Data Science Olympiad Competition is a sanctioned gathering of any scale that pits data science and artificial intelligence students or practitioners in a contest to demonstrate excellence in the field.


IDSOL Conventions

An International Data Science Olympiad Convention is a sanctioned large-scale gathering of data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners that encourages the forging of social and economic links.


IDSOL Conferences

An International Data Science Olympiad Conference is a sanctioned large-scale events to facilitate the exchange of ideas for data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners.


IDSOL Symposiums

An International Data Science Olympiad Symposium is a sanctioned smaller-scale events to facilitate the exchange of ideas for data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners.


IDSOL Finals

The International Data Science Olympiad Finals (IDSOL Finals), the namesake of this organization, is an annual data science and AI solution design competition for students and fresh graduates from any field of study or with plans to work in any industry.

IDSOL Conventions

An International Data Science Olympiad Convention (IDSOL Convention) is a sanctioned large-scale gathering of data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners.

IDSOL Conferences

An International Data Science Olympiad Conference (IDSOL Conference) is a sanctioned large-scale events to facilitate the exchange of ideas for data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners.

IDSOL Symposiums

An International Data Science Olympiad Symposium (IDSOL Symposium) is a sanctioned smaller-scale events to facilitate the exchange of ideas for data science and artificial intelligence students and practitioners.